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Living Spaces Inspired by Travel

室内设计灵感来自印度,由Anthony Catalfano Interiors设计

公平地说,我们大多数人现在都有严重的旅游癖. 考虑到我们对旅行的集体热爱现在必须是没有回报的, 我们努力为您带来一点旅行的美丽和冒险. 以下住宅设置的灵感来自田园诗般的,往往是异国情调的地方. 

ZEN Associates, Inc .的建筑和景观设计灵感来自日本.

首席建筑师-室内和景观建筑: ZEN Associates, Inc.; Technical Architect: Smith Architects; Construction by Michael K. Walker; photo by Robert Brantley

This contemporary oceanside project by ZEN Associates, Inc. 是客户日本之旅的超然收获吗. 由于客户对传统的日本建筑和生活方式很感兴趣, 他们试图传达它的特点——单层居住, seamless indoor/outdoor connections, 房间由带顶棚的走道连接,并可通过滑动门和臀部屋顶进入-在他们自己的设计中. 

ZEN Associates, Inc .的建筑和景观设计灵感来自日本.

首席建筑师-室内和景观建筑: ZEN Associates, Inc.; Technical Architect: Smith Architects; Construction by Michael K. Walker; photo by Robert Brantley

ZEN Associates, 哪一个综合了景观设计和施工, and interior design, answered with Seijaku, 这是日本人对“家”的称呼,意思是“宁静”和一种与自然融为一体的感觉,” offers the firm. 这种建筑与景观的亲密关系是通过深悬来实现的, 可以轻松滑动的折叠门,展示出日式花园和户外生活空间,以及整个海洋的全景. Materials, while Japanese influenced, 是因为靠近海洋和大自然而被选中的吗, and include ipe wood for the pool deck, 并以南方黄松、柏木为主体结构. 


Architecture by Shope Reno Wharton; construction by Soderholm Custom Builders, Inc.; interior design: Diane Lindquist Watts; interior millwork: Fine Finish, Inc.; custom finishing: Wayne Towle Master Refinishing & Restoration, Inc., finish carpenters; C&M Custom Carpenters; flooring: Galvin Flooring; photo by Richard Mandelkorn 

为几代人设计的永恒之家的客房 Shope Reno Wharton and constructed by Soderholm Custom Builders, Inc. 是个性化的,以反映家庭最喜欢的旅行记忆. 楼上的卧室在室内建筑和装修上都体现了楠塔基特岛令人感觉良好的小屋风格. It is paneled in bright white beadboard, 这里有人字形柚木地板和手工挑选的艺术品和纪念品,这些都是岛上的特色. 

来自新西兰Huka Lodge的家居设计灵感来自Thomas J. O'Neill, Inc.

Design and build by Thomas J. O'Neill, Inc.; photo by Dan Cutrona

在马斯顿米尔斯(Marstons Mills)的湖滨上翻修一座庞大的牧场时, well-traveled clients of Thomas J. O’Neill 发现美丽的财产唤起了我的回忆 Huka Lodge这是他们在新西兰陶波(Taupo)喜欢的豪华度假胜地. 他们恳求提供全方位服务的建筑商研究一下这个世界级的度假胜地,并传达它在科德角的风格和情感.

奥尼尔使用了与胡卡小屋相似的调色板(想想深蓝绿色和茄子色), mahogany, fir and sapele cabinetry and hardwoods, 并以一场罢工让这栋一层楼的房子向美丽的庭院敞开大门. He also reworked the home’s low roofline, 为天窗雕刻和镶板,使生活空间沐浴在阳光中.

室内细节的灵感来自墨西哥,由LDa建筑事务所设计 & Interiors

Architecture and interior design by LDa Architecture & Interiors; photo by Sam Gray Photography

Swampscott住宅主卧套房的入口,由 LDa Architecture & Interiors 专为逃离城市喧嚣的城市居民而设,他们可以在海滨享受海景, pays homage to a favored hotel in Mexico. The breezy and wide-open suite features clavos (also known as Mexican nails) studded doors, 以西南庄园的方式装饰木元素的锻铁五金. 

在LDa建筑设计的主浴室中享有海滨景色的浸泡浴缸 & Interiors

Architecture and interior design by LDa Architecture & Interiors; photo by Sam Gray Photography

The soaking tub, 哪家酒店被全景海景环绕,坐落在瓷砖镶嵌的鹅卵石上, 是客户在酒店里被迷住的模型的精确复制品吗.

室内设计灵感来自印度,由Anthony Catalfano Interiors设计

Construction by KVC Builders; architecture by Greg Colling; interior design by Anthony Catalfano Interiors; photo by Warren Patterson

Interior designer Anthony Catalfano of Anthony Catalfano Interiors 将印度宝石色调的辉煌带到Metrowest马车屋的顶层,该马车屋的主人是文化爱好者和汽车传人Ernie Boch, Jr. Built by KVC Builders 由Merrimack Design的Greg Colling设计, 豪华的休息室充满了像柿子一样阴燃的色彩, turquoise and henna, warm metals, and imported carvings, panels and antiques from India.

室内设计灵感来自印度,由Anthony Catalfano Interiors设计

Construction by KVC Builders; architecture by Greg Colling of Merrimack Design; interior design by Anthony Catalfano Interiors; photo by Warren Patterson

“In India, it’s all about textures and fabrics,” says Catalfano, 于是他铺上了像孟加拉虎一样条纹的丝毯, portiere draperies that hang like saris, crocodile leather furnishings, plush velvet upholstery and floor pillows, shimmering gold wallpaper, decorative metals, paprika-hued plumes and intricate, exotic woodwork. 

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